Grow The Dream Show Archives
We produced a total of 76 episodes of the Grow The Dream Show podcast from January, 2015 through August, 2016. Here on the archives, you can find every episode, including complete audio, show notes, featured material, and more!
Learn more about Grow The Dream Show and co-hosts Josh Muccio, Rod Thomson, and David G. Johnson.
And even though we aren’t producing more episodes at this time, you can still find the show on your favorite podcast platform to download & enjoy.

#46 What the Heck is Influencer Marketing? And Should You Be Doing It?
Influencer marketing is rapidly growing as another way to get a form of “earned media” for your product or service. And Kristen Matthews, one of the leaders in the emerging methodology, knows how it’s done. As Marketing Director at GroupHigh in Colorado, she is...

#45 Dr. Carmen Simon on Creating Memorable Content
How does the brain decided what to remember and how can we use that to ensure that our core message is remembered by our audience? Dr. Carmen Simon, a cognitive neuroscientist, explains that your audience will forget something like 90 percent of what your content...

#44 Dan Pink on Motivation, Moving Others & Adapting
New York Times best-selling author Dan Pink explains why the real differences in motivation aren’t just the carrot vs. the stick, but controlling vs. not controlling (or autonomous). So the carrot-and-stick approach is like an if-then...

#43 When Your Facebook Rating Is Maliciously Damaged… & Apple’s Retail Success
So what happens when your company Facebook page is damaged by a malicious competitor? That happened to a Boston jeweler whose competitor went to Fiverr and paid $5 to cut their rating in half. They turned it around, but it was an amazing road — and great lessons. We...

#42 Facebook Authorship, Google’s New Search Quality Rating Guidelines & Old School Networking
Facebook introduced Facebook Authorship to help promote your Facebook page from your web content. Is it like Google’s failed experiment? Well…not really. Speaking of Google, it has released a full version of its new search quality rating...

#41 Danny Sullivan on Maximizing Search Across Platforms
What does one of the foremost experts on search say about strategies going forward? Plenty, and practical. Danny Sullivan, founder of and more, has been writing and building search engine businesses since 1996. His philosophy for today:...

#40 Why Twitterers Use “Favoriting”, FB Passes 1.55 Billion Users, & How Influencers Can Help You
It’s no secret that Twitter engagement has jumped from retweeting to favoriting — or what Twitter now calls “likes.” Anyone can see that in their feed. But why? There are actually several strategies, and some silliness, behind how people are now using the “like”...

#39 Buffer Loses Half of Social Traffic in 12 Months, a Pinterest Strategy & Google RankBrain
So Buffer, whose business is to drive social traffic for others, lost half of its referral traffic from social media and they are scratching their heads over it. They are refreshingly transparent about the cratering and seem unsure what has happened. But that is...

#38 Building Your Audience With Slideshare, Killer Content, & Self-Lacing Shoes
On today’s show we highlight Mitchell Harper, BigCommerce co-founder and CEO at Capital H Labs, who got 50,851 views on Slideshare & 706 email subscribers for $350 and a fair bit of labor. Very effective strategy… and one you can probably duplicate! We...

#37: Social Proof, Instagram Ads, G-strings, Scrapers & More!
This week’s show is off the cuff! We talk about a very clever Facebook social proof hack that can ramp up your targeted advertising value — maybe to one-cent click-throughs. And there is a super-easy web site, basically one-click using your LinkedIn site, Facebook...